Gain Valuable Insights
into your Trading Operations.

VisualHFT's unique combination of detailed microstructure real-time analytics, and comprehensive surveillance it as a leader in trading technology, catering to the nuanced demands of today's trading landscape.

Our Story

VisualHFT's inception traces back to the founder's vision to fill a critical gap in electronic trading: the need for a platform offering real-time, in-depth market and infrastructure insights. Drawing on extensive experience in high-frequency trading (HFT) systems development, the founder aimed to empower traders, quantitative analysts, and financial institutions with unparalleled analytical precision.

VisualHFT merges sophisticated algorithms for predictive analytics with comprehensive trading surveillance and seamless system integration, enhancing strategic decision-making. Its user-friendly interface and open-source foundation foster continuous innovation. This tool not only addresses the immediate challenges of electronic trading but also sets the stage for a future where trading decisions are informed, strategic, and precise, ensuring that professionals can navigate market complexities with confidence.


Let's embark on the journey of how it all started...

2015 • January
2015 • September
Early interest
2019 • December
Launching open source
Q2 - 2024

Commercial Launch

Stepping into our current phase, we're excited to announce VisualHFT's commercial launch, targeting organizations and enterprises. This launch focuses on introducing premium, advanced features designed to meet the complex demands of larger trading environments.

Q4 - 2024

Coming soon

As we look ahead, VisualHFT is poised for groundbreaking advancements. Our roadmap includes the integration of advanced proprietary metrics and sophisticated replay capabilities, enhancing analytical depth and versatility.
But our most ambitious vision lies in harnessing the vast potential of AI.
We plan to implement cutting-edge AI microservices, leveraging the wealth of data we collect to unlock unprecedented levels of market insight and predictive analytics.
This future, powered by AI, promises to transform trading strategies with unparalleled precision and intelligence.


Our vision at VisualHFT is to revolutionize electronic trading by providing unparalleled insights into trading infrastructures, systems, venues, and the very fabric of market microstructures.

We envision a future where traders and financial institutions are empowered with unmatched oversight and analytical prowess, turning complex data into strategic advantage.
VisualHFT aspires to be the cornerstone of trading excellence, where the ability to make swift, informed decisions and achieve operational superiority distinguishes our users in the competitive trading landscape.

We believe in Inspiration



At VisualHFT, innovation is our cornerstone.
We are committed to constantly exploring new frontiers in market analytic technology, ensuring our tools are not just up-to-date but ahead of the curve.



Our core values emphasize empowering traders with confidence and precision, enabling them to navigate the complexities of trading with comprehensive insights and unmatched oversight, setting a new standard in trading analytics.


Our Promise

To consistently deliver insightful, accurate, and cutting-edge market analytics and tools that are easy to use and understand.
We commit to empowering you with the depth of data you need to make confident trading decisions, backed by our unwavering support and continuous innovation.

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